Saturday, November 15, 2008

Viva La France

Ok well I know France was last weekend, but I never made a blog about it. Firstly, like everyone said living in Europe had turned out to be a great experience. It was different to hear everything sung (<- is that a word?) but anyway I think that if anyone one you gets a chance to ever visit Germany you have a place to stay in the humble abode of the Jones Family.

9 silly people:

anthony said...

you went to france?? nice! did you go with those friends who came from america?? cause that would be mean to leave them and go by youself. and you asked if im a stalker, um...i don't think i am

Courtney said...

I didnt say you were I said you could/might be one silly! But who elses blog do you leave random mysterious comments on?

anthony said...

oh, im around. why do you want to know?

Lexi said...

Yes her friends from America went! DUHHHHH courtney wouldn't leave me behind!!

anthony said...

oh how nice of her! thats fab! did you have a good time?

LeNai said...

Oh im going to Germany in May!!!!!! Cant wait to see all my homies there!!:) So court I WANNA GO TO FRANCE TOO!!!!! so plan. lol

Lexi said...

Yes I did have a good time Bob... is it okay if I call you Bob? You seem like a Bob to me lol

anthony said...

um sure?...i guess you can...even if i said no you would probably still call me bob right?

CaMeRoN said...

stalker..... hahaha